Buying Gunpla in the UK

Where do I buy Gunpla in the UK?


The most common question I get asked is “where do I buy Gundam kits in the UK?” so I decided to make this dedicated page to give my answer, so if I have sent you here, hello!

There are really only two choices, either you buy from Japan or the USA at a good price, but risk paying customs fees, or you buy from the UK at a higher price, with a small range, but get it sooner and without the risk of a customs fee.

Here are the Japanese stores I recommend: - My go-to store, great prices, great range, always has sales. So good. - The widest range at fair prices, nearly always gets a customs charge, but you can store up purchases in a virtual personal warehouse, and ship over in big batches.

You can also buy from the USA: - Great service, great range, great prices, chance of a customs fee depending on how dickish the royal mail wants to be.

And UK stores: